Friday, July 4, 2008

You've got a friend in me

am watching this right now

Nostalgia is killing me. Among my group of friends whom i came to bond with since day one in university. I am the first to graduate and leave campus. Now sitting here and remembering everything happ
ened in the past 4 yrs is over-whelming. I am blessed to have them in my life. The word "No" has no existence in their dictionary. I have had the best days with them. The long breaks cruising AD streets aimlessly in "N" Car , Rm'6an hangouts at "H" house and the countless lunches which always end up @ McDonald's Drive thru.

But most of all, i miss our Trips togather.

Karam-beiruting was such a highlight lol

So my friends, this is dedicated to you. And remember that no matter how life drift us apart. You will always have a special place in m
y heart

3houdi You're the first to see me cry, to make me laugh, your songs r always my favorite and non has dominated my whole family's life as much as u did. Love you bestiee <3

1 comment:

sarah said...

by the way, i have been to karam beirut this summer. 1 word: DELICIOUS!!!