Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pheww , it was o v e r

Listening to: Kathem al Saher- Ha 7abeebi <3
Craving: Benihanna Miami *pout*

el7amdellah. today passed so smoothly, better than what I expected.
The test & interview went Great, the Head of HR was very impressed, at one point she was like: you talk so fast, are all this hyper all the time? mskeena!!! but i managed to convince her that I'm willing to work hard bla bla bla. What really amazed me is that I scored fairly well in the numerical test, and my lowest result was actually in that abstract shapes test :S. For some reason, I feel that "me" crunching some math without a calculator in the past few days made me think in a different way. I feel like I've been snoozing my brain for SO LONG. Even while i was in Uni, everything we did was entirely with a calculator or excel. believe me guys, doing it without a calculator is So much fun. My brother recommends this book & also this about the same subject.

Other than that, I decided to pamper myself right after the interview. Had my nails done with the nicest summer-y polish *check it out girls: essie - watermelon* then rewareded myself with an Indian lunch with my friend joody. Although I've been into healthy food lately and Green Tea replaced my usual latte but today was my free day for everything *Grinnn*

P.S thanx for all the prayers it means so much <3 Mahra, shai5a & Ibrahim: you were right guys, Flashing a S M I LE at any interview and consider it done :D

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