My beauuuutiful team at work. i.e littly bully & Sara started this whole "Break a leg, it's Ohkaaay" kinda saying. It's how each encourage the other that no matter what we face at work it's gonna be fine. Just like breaking a leg :P I just want everyone to start using it, because it does give a good feeling afterwards. Say it the most nonchalant way and let it goooo ;) whther it's a problem you're facing at work, school, home, Anything! Life is too short to be lived worrying about these things. On the other hand, I've been meaning to post about my trip to Dubai Mall except I haven't lol So enshallah I will post Piiiixxx of the newest eddition of shopping malls here in the country. 3ala golaat Bestie Salama "It's our new HeadQaurters"
lol, couldn't find a better title, than my mom's favorite song.
Today was my first official day at work. So far so good! everyone seemed energetic & they know what they are doing by heart mashallah! I did struggle a bit with my very first task. But I left the office at the end of the day looking forward to the next. That is exactly how I measure my enjoyment with anything! the feeling whether I want to do it again or not :)
On the other hand, me & my colleagues decided to have sushi for lunch! I felt that I ate lots of "fish" for the past week.
Listening to: Mafeeni Shay- Thekra Special things displayed on my gifts corner *Hearts*
"I fall for you" Mug. A birthday gift from Bestie Shwai5. It is So cuuute, I only use it to drink my Panadol soluble whenever I'm struck with migraine. For some reason, I believe it has a curing power.
Mrs. Noseless. A funny kisha lady with yummy chocolate hidden under her dress. A very thoughtful souvenir from Bestie Salama from her trip to Germany. I already ate all the chocolates, but I love glancing at her everyday.
To remember: Small gestures count for the world
I love you all. ha sho rayekm :P loool
- I'm typing this post while dancing over the drumming sound coming from our neighbors' house. They are celebrating their son's wedding. Wanasa, I love it when our "Freej" has a wedding! all the neighbors will be making dresses & having their hands designed with Henna :D Kind of rare in this time of our life, where people seldomly care about those living next door. Maybe that's explains the fact that my parents are living in the same area for the past 25 years.
- Having sushi two days in a row. Caterpillar rolls! oh my endless love. For those visiting/living in Abu Dhabi, head out to Wasabi. But don't order their tempura, tasteless :x
- Watching too much tv shows during these past days. Too much McDreamy is Ohkazaay ;)
Gotta Sleep now.
Nightie Night. Gorgoues people!