Sunday, May 31, 2009

Around the House in a Weekend

Ma nesainah
Ma nesainah
Roo7o goloola tarana ma nesainah 

A song being stuck in my head for the whole lazy weekend. Mom would occasionally sing it with me, especially when we were all gathered around the pool dangling our legs to enjoy a little cool from this killing heat. A pesto chicken sandwich in one hand, and an i-pod in the other. 

I haven't been to much lately, work home work. And yes, my university graduation. It passed so fast that it took me two days to realize, oh hey the ceremony happened for real. 

Also the fact that I finally wrapped up Sienfeld finale with a few tears knowing how much the 9 seasons accompanied me on the most needed time. 

Looking forward for a new day tomorrow? naah 

p.s I miss my blog 


mosha said...

look at u all grown up and graduating! lmao i cant believe that i knew u when u where in grade 10 and now u'r working ! ..

congraaaaaaaats sweetums <3

InD. said...

i fyou miss your blog, then you should Up-Date ;-)
Congrats on the graduation.